North Island History 

To Citizens of Coronado – 
In order to give employment to Beach residents during the Spring and coming Summer, the Coronado Beach Company have decided to allow selected portions of North Island cleared of firewood. The Company will set aside certain ground for the exclusive use of any resident who desires to devote time to cutting wood, and after the wood is cut will furnish team to haul same to market or residence, dividing equally the quantity cut. If the party desires to sell the wood In San Diego, the Company will furnish team, wagon and driver, and divide the proceeds. A good day’s work should secure a cord, which sells at $8 in San Diego.

Apply to T. J. Seeley, G avenue, between Fourth and Fifth streets, or at Company’s office.

E. S. Babcock, Jr. President

This article of North Island history was printed in the June 21, 1890 edition of the Coronado Mercury – Newpaper archives of the Coronado Public Library.